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Peak Mountain 3

J.S.C (Just Straight Crimpin')

FA Luca Keushguerian, Pat McGinn September 2013


J.S.C was found, cleaned and climbed within a week. Luca and I found this climb one day after trying and failing on an old Bill Patton project. We called it J.S.C because, we figured that Johnson State College deserves some love, and after all, this climb was put up by two JSC students. Also this climb is hard moves between poor crimpers.

After many attempts and broken holds (4 times to be exact) the climb finally went. The movements on the climb are spectacular and while some of the holds are sharp, the climb itself has a good landing and is an exciting adventure.

J.S.C starts from a stand on a thin rail of two small crimpers. Make a hard first move up to "The Pizza Cutter" aka a small razor sharp crimp and make moves up and left to a large bucket hold on the left. Slap to the top and top out.


J.S.C starts on the middle of the face on a set of crimpers on the P.A.L.E boulder. You can walk down after you top out.


A couple of crash pads will do fine. The landing is fine. WATCH YOURSELF there is a small hole in the ground at the base to the right of the climb. I almost broke my ankle accidentally falling into it.

Routes in P.A.L.E

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    J.S.C (Just Straight Crimpin')