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Justification starts up a short couloir that runs halfway up the northwest face before traversing onto the west shoulder to the summit.
Start climbing the couloir up moderate snow past two chockstones to a small snowfield below a 20' of easy mixed climbing. The easy mixed will end in the largest snowfield and the end of the couloir. From here, traverse climber's right on an obvious ledge to a chimney. Climb the chimney until possible to traverse to climber's right again to easier terrain. Once out of the chimney, climb virtually straight up to the top.
The route is obvious from the trailhead as in winter the couloir is the only place snow consistently collects.
After summitting, descend the south face.
The rock is typically of poor quality limestone/marble. Small cams to a #1, nuts, a couple pins. Snow pickets would work at the top of the first pitch.