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*The Shining
This one gets all the stars. And all the crashpads.
From the top, follow the blunt arete down the the steeply undercut bottom section with cobbles. Look to the left side of the steepness for the deep, juggy, pebbled three finger pocket (left hand) and any in-cut to its right (right hand). Start low here and toss up and out of the pebbles to the perfect sea of sandstone above.
Follow good holds up and right to the small roof bulge at the base of the main arete (the obvious pocket and vertical rail are right above this). Use the thin crimps below the bulge to perch on the high left foot ledge and rock over your foot to use the low left hand undercling. Reach up and right to grab the long, vertical fight facing side-pull rail and quest on past the crimps, edges and side-pulls that guard the last half of the journey. Follow the arete all the way to the huge iron jug at the top lip.
Center Stage Boulder
Offer to buy beer for friends who bring extra pads.