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Start on the bottom right of the north face of Crenellation Crag and climb broken cracks on a large somewhat fractured face. Travers left before the top of the flake to a darker continuous crack that continues traversing left on the next facet of rock. Take this to ledge and belay with gear. Can be combined with the short loose crack, Garbage Pail, at the corner of the ledge to reach the summit of Crenellation Crag. Belay with gear.Descent: Climb the short rotten crack to the summit, head towards the saddle on the north side of Crenellation Crag then scramble down and left to the base. Or, take the ledge south a few hundred feet to the end of the cliff where it eases up and a short fourth class section drops you at the base.
On the north face of Crenellation Crag.
Single set of cams to 3", set of stoppers.